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On Sunday evening, I attended the 10th National Vigil for Victims and Survivors of Gun Violence at Augustana Lutheran Church of Hyde Park to mourn the lives lost to guns in the state of Illinois.

The impact of gun violence reverberates through the lives of every single person in Chicago, Cook County, and the United States at large. Unregistered firearms and other weapons in the wrong hands cause irreversible damage to our community, and I’m doing all that I can to make sure that assault weapons and ghost guns will stop haunting the lives of anyone in Cook County.

As government officials and community leaders, we must rigorously work together to solve this grave issue – our future depends on it!

Thank you to Chicago Survivors, Moms Demand Action – IL, Strides for Peace, Indivisible Chicago, March For Our Lives Illinois, Brady: United Against Gun Violence, One Aim Illinois, and Paving The Way Project INC for helping to bring us together for this event, and an even greater thank you for your work that mitigates the impact of gun violence in Illinois.

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